Discovery of Voice Data Image (VDI) convergence & network architecture - Laboratory (ref: ETR300STID2D)
Référence : ETR 300 STI2D
Technical characteristics:
Main computer cabinet, 12 Units including :
▪ 1 server: Data (HTTP, FTP), Voice (SIP), Video (IGMP, RTSP), Web interface for services administration.
▪ 1 switch with 8 ports (7 LAN + 1 "mirroring").
▪ 1 router with 4 LAN ports, 1 WAN port & 1 Wifi gateway.
▪ 1 patch panel.
▪ 1 switching block with differential protection.
Pack "Voice"
▪ Telephone/Videophone: VoIP (SIP protocol) & full-graphics color display allowing video conference.
Pack "Data":
▪ 1 student workstation: PC with Linux, supplied with a Webcam & a headset.
Pack "Image & Video":
▪ 1 IP/HDMI adaptation module, Set-Top Box (STB) with its remote control.
▪ 1 HD Screen with HDMI input.
The "ETR300STI2D - Did@VDI" is a self-operating laboratory, fully isolated from the Internet network.
This specific characteristic enhances 5 main advantages:
1) Mistakes made by the students would not cause any damage upon the school network.
2) As the laboratory is completely isolated from outside, only the teacher has an access to the selection of videos & images available on HTTP & FTP servers, this eliminates for example all risks of intrusion in sensible sites or wasting time on other websites.
3) Network wiring is carried out on a patch panel, in order to protect the mechanical parts (connectors) of actuators (server, router..)
4) 1 single LCD interface (HMI) enables the « quick wiping » of HTTP/FTP services exchange files & resetting of the whole services.
5) 1 « mirroring » port enables the display of all network exchanges.
Pedagogical purpose:
→ Detailed and progressive practical works.
→ Convenient educational video demonstrations explaining the operation of protocols.
→ Evaluation tests with automatic scoring .
The "ETR300" has been awarded in 2012 by WORLDDIDAC: world association gathering educaional materiels manufacturers.