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D_Scil, Module for the creation of real time correctors with SCILAB/XCOS (Réf : ERD000800)

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : ERD 000 800

D_Scil, Module for the creation of real time correctors with SCILAB/XCOS (Réf : ERD000800) 2/4

D_Scil :
The generated code can be loaded in the didactical servo system or process control equipements :

  • ERD100, Position and speed servosystem

  • ERD150, Machine tool axis servosystem

  • ERD540, Air flow and temperature process control

  • ERD550, Water level and flow process control

  • ERD560, Air flow and Pressure process control

Development Process :

  • Creating a theorical model of the system in open loop

  • Simulating it with Scilab/Xcos

  • Searching the best adapted corrector and its adjustment

  • Simulating this looped process with Scilab/Xcos

  • Generating automatically the C program for this corrector and its adjustments

  • Loading this program in the "real training system"

  • Testing it on the system and comparing the simulation and the experiment

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fichier Télécharger la documentation complète (Haute définition).

D_Scil, Module for the creation of real time correctors with SCILAB/XCOS (Réf : ERD000800) 3/4

D_Scil, Module for the creation of real time correctors with SCILAB/XCOS (Réf : ERD000800) 4/4

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

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Electrical Engineering


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