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Millikan Apparatus : PSD022040

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : PSD 022 040

Millikan Apparatus : PSD022040 2/4

The apparatus enables to repeat, in a simplified way, the experiment of Millikan on the determination of the electron load.

Oil droplets, produced by vaporiser & electrally loaded by friction, are introduced in one steady electrical field.
When observing the droplet, the field value is adjusted in order to balance exactly its action on the load & its weight.
Then, the droplet is perfectly still.
When the electric field is suppressed, the droplet falls down & reaches rapidly its falling speed limit in the air.
Knowing the speed enables to calculate the droplet weight.
The force carried on the droplet, for known value of the field, is therefore determined. The force is proportional to its load.
When repeating several times the experiment, we can see that electric loads do not vary continuously, but by multiple of “e” which is near to 1,6 x 10-19 Coulombs.

The apparatus includes, fitted on the same stand:
• One plane condenser,
• One display microscope,
• One vaporiser,
• One lighting system.

The assembly is fitted on an adjustable high stand.
Weigt : 4.7 kg

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Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

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Electrical Engineering


Energy & Systems