didaRadar, Speed and Position servo-system
Référence : ERD 200 000
The ERD200B package is a complete training system for the detailed study of servo systems. It illustrates the speed
or position control of an approach radar.
This product exists with either a DC motor (ref ERD200000) or a Brushless motor (ERD250000).
Study of analog and digital correctors
▪ Selection of the structure: open loop, closed loop controlled in speed, closed loop controlled in position.
▪ Selection of the control signal: constant step, ramp, trapezoid, sine, external control.
▪ Selection of the corrector: P/PI/PID, 3rd order digital « Z » transform, ON/OFF, state feedback.
▪ Selection of input on which the derivate action is applied: on bias, on measurement (PID).
▪ Selection of the driven mechanical load: inertia (with a 500-g weight).
▪ Selection of the motor power interface: in current (torque), in voltage (speed).
▪ Optional Extra d_Scil: creation of real time correctors with Scilab / Xcos (fast prototyping)
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