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CCD Caliens camera : POD010020

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

Référence : POD 010 020

CCD Caliens camera : POD010020 2/4

Principe : the CCD camera is constituted of one optical head directly interfaced with a PC computer through USB port.
Once adjusted, it is possible to sample and operate luminous pictures with the help of complete & easy-to-use software program.

the sensor is composed of 2048 pixels, 14 µm width (that is to say an usable area of about 30 mm).
Integration time adjustable from 5 ms to 100 ms.
Complete program, Windows compatible.
Provided with “ready-to-use” cables.
The optical head, fitted out with stainless steel rod, Ø10 mm, can be adapted to optical bench.

Spectrometry by Fourier’s transforms with Michelson interferometer:
When carrying out the FFT of an oscillogram, the resulting spectrum is often noise-spoilt.
To reduce these diverse disturbance effects, it is sufficient to add in the Michelson’s apparatus, one laser source (with separator), which is used as a reference.
In taking the FFT option, the camera can record simultaneously two signals (laser + source) & the program will be provided with one time base correction algorythm.

Main Experiments:
• Slot or hole diffraction
• Young’s slots
• Mirrors or Fresnel bi-prism
• Interferences with N slots
• Gauss beams
• Sodium doublets
• Source coherence

Basic composition:
• CCD camera
• Complete software
• Attenuator filters (2 polarizing filters, 2 filters with a density of 0.9, 1 filter with a density of 3)
• USB Cable
• Transportation case

fichier Télécharger la documentation complète (Haute définition).

CCD Caliens camera : POD010020 3/4

CCD Caliens camera : POD010020 4/4

Quantité : caddie Ajouter au devis

  Spécialiste en Ingénierie Pédagogique en
Sciences Physiques, Génie Electrique &Télécoms .
Nous sommes concepteurs et fabricants.
Z.A. de la clé Saint Pierre 5, rue du Groupe Manoukian
78990 ELANCOURT (France)
Phone : + Mail:didalab@didalab.fr
Electrical Engineering


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