Active load, electrotechnical measurement & load generation unit for DC & AC motors (1.5 kW) - Training bench (ref: ELD151000)
Reference : ELD 151 000
The load is constituted of one 1.5 kW brushless motor with optical encoder on the shaft end.
One control desk, linked to PC computer, generates the selected load profiles and ensures electrical or mechanical acquisitions (speed, torque, current, voltage, power...).
The rotating machine(s) to be tested is (are) fastened on the shaft end.
The control & acquisition system is easy-to-use, the sensors are built-in.
Load profiles:
This unit enables to generate one load profile on the motor. Tested Power → 300 W to 1.5 kW:
▪ Braking torque: function of the speed.
▪ Braking torque: function of the speed square.
▪ Constant torque.
▪ Torque generating inertia.
▪ Acquisition of electrical & mechanical values: current, voltage, speed & torque (calculated).
▪ Drawing & analysis of the motors specific curves (current/voltage/speed/torque).
▪ Aid to alternator synchronization to the mains.
▪ Three-phase Power Supply: 400 V 50Hz.
▪ Measurements through 4-mm sockets.
▪ PC via USB.
▪ Optical encoder outputs, 1096 points, biphased for Practical Works on servo-systems. | |