SUMMER SCHOOL AT THE ISSAT IN DAMASCUSThe Summer school organized in partnership between the ISSAT of DAMASCUS and the IUT (UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) of Cachan was a great success.
About ten French teachers from Paris XI, CACHAN, ESIEE IUT, INT and ESSTIN universities made the trip to dispense courses on DSP, digital servosystems and wireless telecommunications.
For its part, Didalab participated by lending equipment for the trainings on DSP and signal processing for 7 workstations.
Mr Jean-Marie ORY, teacher at the ESSTIN (engineers school) and the designer of the software graphic Fibula, gave lectures about his educational methods in teaching the signal processing during 3 days
More than eighty teachers from the Middle East attended these training courses.
Among these eighty teachers, about twenty attended the lectures on the DSP, made by Jean-Marie ORY, teacher at ESSTIN and assisted by Serge DROUIN, Manager of the DIDALAB Electric Engineering Department.
These teachers came from Syria and from surrounding countries, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine.
At the end of this conference, the teachers confirmed their interest in the displayed equipments and in the associated educational methods.
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