Insérer un mot ou une référence :
Pompe à vide : PHD 008 898Pompe à vide à palettes permettant d'obtenir un vide poussé en un minimum de temps. |
Clement-Desormes Apparatus : PHD009400Clement- Desormes Apparatus(25 litres) |
Thermostatic bath : PHD009660Makes the gas temperature conditions to vary and enables the layout of isotherms for the Critical Point Apparatus. |
SF6 cartridge : PHD009940Sulphur hexafluoride cartridge |
Critical Point Apparatus : PHD009950Critical Point Apparatus : Equipment specially dedicated to the studygas compressibility and liquefaction. NEW MODEL WITH DIGITAL PRESSURE GAUGE, REF PHD009960 |
Vacuum trap : PHD009953In order to carry out the filling of the Critical Point Apparatus (Ref. PHD 009 950) |
Critical point apparatus: PHD009960 - new modelCritical Point Apparatus : Equipment specially dedicated to the study gas compressibility and liquefaction. |
Hand vacuum pump : PHM032132Piston model |
Experiment PV=Ct : PHM032760Confirmation of the Boyle-Mariotte's law. |
Thermic conduction apparatus : PTD009915measurement of the thermic propagation coefficient, as well as a very good approach of all phenomena inherent in propagation (thermic wave damping, limits condition Changing…). |
Dewar vase calorimeter : PTD039505Dewar vase calorimeter |
4 sticks metallic star : PTM039015heat propation in different metals. |
Supple pipe : PHD008980Supple pipe 8x21.1 mm |
Spécialiste en Ingénierie Pédagogique en Sciences Physiques, Génie Electrique &Télécoms . Nous sommes concepteurs et fabricants. |
DIDALAB Z.A. de la clé Saint Pierre 5, rue du Groupe Manoukian 78990 ELANCOURT (France) Phone : + |
Electrical Engineering PHYSICS Energy & Systems |